Book Review – Getting Played by Emma Chase

Getting Played is a wonderful story about Lainey Burrows, a single mom with a lifestyle blog.  She discovers a fun cover band with a beautiful drummer, Dean Walker, as she is out for drinks with her sister and sister’s boyfriend. 

The two meet and get to know each other after the band’s set and what starts out as conversation becomes a night of unending HOT sex that goes on and on until they empty an entire box of condoms.  In the morning the two-part ways without exchanging numbers.  The summer goes by without either of them finding each other again. 

In the fall, Laney gets an opportunity through Facebook to live in an old house a couple of towns over from her current home.  She’s tasked with redecorating it for her blog in return for free rent for a year.  Not a moment after she moves in, does she discover she’s pregnant.  The rest of the story is how she reconnects with that beautiful, cover band drummer who turns out to be “Coach” Walker the math teacher and coach for the football team of the new high school her 14-year-old son now attends. 

This story is heartwarming and sweet.  I loved the relationship between Laney, and her family (who are very supportive) and the back and forth between her with Dean.  They navigate some interesting moments while preparing for the unexpected blessing (the product of their carnal impulsiveness).  I loved how this story shows that we cannot make it on our own.  Despite our desire to pioneer through the tough stuff, we need each other.  Allowing others to care and help is as much a gift to the person serving as it is to the person being served. 

I recommend it – Four stars! Getting played releases on Kindle Unlimited today. Tap HERE if you are interested in getting a copy for yourself!

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