Book Review of The Dating Proposal by Lauren Blakely

McKenna Bell is a year out of a relationship where her boyfriend of six years breaks it off with her the day before the wedding in a voicemail.  Oh, Ouch!  So, McKenna has taken a year to pull herself together after the nasty breakup by investing in herself.  She starts an influential fashion VLOG where she makes short videos discussing outfits with her growing female audience.  An unfortunate run in with her BFF’s jerk, cat sends her hard drive crashing to floor after being precariously on the table. This leads her to Chris McCormick.  Surfer by morning and tech geek by day, Chris has his own TV show for a growing audience of male geeks and tech geniuses. As the two decide to join forces to cross pollinate their fan base they spend more time together which increases their sparks.

I loved this sweet story.  Lauren Blakley did a great job weaving the relationship of these characters and the pain and heartache of being hurt and the self-doubt you have when love comes again. I recommend it! Tap HERE if you are interested in getting a copy for yourself!

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2 Replies to “Book Review of The Dating Proposal by Lauren Blakely”

  1. Molly, I loved this book too, in fact anything from Lauren Blakeley! I’ve read all of her books too and highly recommend them! I loved this one in particular. Just how the right person can accidentally fall into our laps, and we should make the most of it, and when the time is right, accept the love and passion with it!

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