How are you holding up?

Videos from Chris Mann are only some of what is making quarantine livable.  Let me know if he brings a smile to your face too. 

Also, I have discovered some more tips as we journey through this international quarantine together.  I thought these would give you a good chuckle.

Tip #4
Lay down a big bath towel on the couch or chair in front of the TV so the “man of the house” can eat his dinner while watching the latest news on COVID-19. That way if dinner happens to miss his mouth, it doesn’t make a permanent appearance on the upholstery.

Working from home? Spouse there with you? Be prepared to be asked daily where is the “3-in-1 oil” or “twine” or “mayonnaise” …  Just breathe.

Tip #6
When having digital Zoom meetings with co-workers, create a platform out of books for your laptop so you don’t scare your co-workers with the extra chins you have while looking down at the camera on your laptop. 

Unfortunately, I came by all this knowledge the hard way.  I just don’t want it to be in vain.

Always happy to hear from you so drop me a line and let me know what creative survival tips you’ve discovered to stay sane. Take care of yourself and your family.