Learn From My Mistakes During Quarantine

I hope you and your family are safe.  As I have been locked down with Mr. Sloan since March 12th, I have started to figure some things out.  I thought  I would share if only to give you some comic relief.  

Quarantine tip #1
Don’t forget when the garbage man comes. Otherwise, you’ll be racing out the back and burst through the side gate with your garbage can in your yoga pants, polar fleece, and no bra (boobs swinging side to side – results may vary on size of boobs)… no worries though, I made it.  It’s the little victories!

Quarantine tip #2
Do a little Yoga. Be very gentle. I did a yoga for beginners and ended up with ice pack down my pants the next day. Safety tip – Just be careful.

Quarantine tip #3
Try a new recipe. Here’s one: Easy Shepard’s Pie.  I did this recently and it was pretty delicious. 


*Tip I used ground turkey, frozen mixed veggies, instant potatoes (don’t judge) and I added creamed corn between the filling and the potatoes.  It came out super! The great thing is this one is it’s an “all in one meal” (no separate starch, protein, & vegetables.) Just scoop into a bowl and go watch the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.